While we all could fit in the Compact it was just a bit too small. I think the biggest aspect being that there isn’t a lot of floor space. So I decided to just watch the ads on Craigslist and Tin Can Classified to see what came available. That is when I spotted Daisy. I swear my heart began to palpitate as I gazed at her ad on Craigslist. I knew she was the perfect trailer for us!
With some saddness I listed the Shasta Compact on Craigslist and sold her within 4 days. It was difficult to let the Compact go, but she has a delightful new family that will get years of enjoyment with her.
All the while I was talking to the seller of the Astroflyte and trying to figure out the best way to get her home. She was in Maine and we are in Michigan. My first thought was I could drive out, hook her up and tow her home. However, after thinking on that for a bit and realizing just how far it was I thought it would be better to have her transported by a professional vintage trailer hauler. So that is the route we went. I made arrangements with the sellers who were kind enough to work with me on getting her here. It took her longer to get home that first thought but she finally made it after 8 days. I was waiting with baited breath for sure.
Daisy on the transport trailer. The car was being transported to CA.
I knew we would have many adventures in our Daisy Shasta and this first summer has proved that theory correct.

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