How to add a window flower box to your vintage trailer

I’ve been wanting to add a window box to my Shasta Compact for awhile now and finally had some time to give it a try.


Wire Flower Box
Spray Paint
Industrial Velcro
Flower foam blocks
Artificial Flowers

Step One:
Buy a wire style flower box. These are the best to use because they are lightweight. Generally they come in black. Unless you want it black I would suggest spray painting it whatever color you want. Also paint the brackets it came with so they match.

Step Two:
Cut and apply the velcro strips to the bracket and the window sill on your trailer. I found velcro in white although black would work also. Add little strips of velcro (the soft part) to the lower corners of your flower box if you find that they might rub against the trailer. This will protect your paint job. Note: The flower box can only be mounted if your window is open. So in case of foul weather be sure and remove it so you can close your window.

Step Three: 
The wire basket usually comes with some moss in it that fills the bottom of the basket portion. Place that in the wire box and then add flower foam blocks. Add enough that they fill the width of the basket.

Step Four: 
If needed, cut your artificial flower stems shorter so they fit and poke them into the flower foam. I just used some that I had laying around and plan on changing to some better colors. Anyhoo, next you want to fill the top with moss to hide the foam.

And there you have it! A cute little flower box for your trailer. Be sure and remove and store it before going down the road!

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  1. Man oh man..I have trailer envy…:(
    But that's OK I can live vicariously through you until I get mine! 😀 lol
    Keep those ideas comin'!!

    Melissa~ Shabby LOCO

  2. I love it and you make it look easy to do. Thank you so much for the info. I would like to have a window box of sunflowers! Hugs! ~ Annie

  3. Very smart! This comes up in message board conversations pretty often and I don't ever see a really solid idea for how to do it. Another well done tutorial. Thanks, Kel!

  4. Awesome!! Looks great:)

    ~ The Tuckerbag ~

  5. Thank you ladies! I'm glad you enjoyed the tutorial. It was pretty easy overall. The biggest challenge was figuring out how to attach it to the window. Then the idea for velcro hit me as the industrial kind is strong enough to hold it and the velcro could easily be removed off the window if need be.

  6. I have been thinking of adding a Basket in the front for awhile now…:D thanx for sharing your flower box Ideas…now maybe I'll get going on mine "D

  7. I love that wat u have done in trailers.. Thank you so much for issued in ur blogs . I would like to have a window box in my trailers also
    Box Trailers

  8. Hi there
    Thank you I have been wanting to do this for awhile!
    Where did you get those wire baskets? I am having a hard time finding
    anything like it……

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