Last camping trip of the season

We headed out on a Friday and met some gals (and 1 guy) for a glamp out as part of the Loyal Order of the Glamper group I belong to. Glamping means glamorous camping for those of you not familiar. Anyway, so we headed over to SW Michigan where we met some friends at a KOA. The first night we had 40 mph winds, rain and even hail. I kept expecting Buttercup to take flight at any moment but we were all safe and snug in our trailers that night. It was of course too windy to set up our awnings but we didn’t mind.

Our Buttercup enjoying one last outing before winter hibernation.

My friend Beth and her adorable little Frolic.

Here is Alana’s adorable Yellowstone; Matilda. It has two doors! I love this trailer and it’s going to be so incredible when they are done restoring it.

The next day we all headed out to do some antique shopping. We stopped at this one place that we stumbled upon. Or I should say that Beth slammed on the breaks for (: It was like we stepped onto the set of some Junk Picker’s show! Junk everywhere. I was in junk heaven.

We stayed nice and cozy at night. It’s amazing what a tiny heater will do in the Compact. At one point we got too warm and had to turn it down.

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  1. Oh I already miss camping too. I would go every month if I could. Your little trailers are so cute. We saw the most darling restored trailer camping on the coast complete with bright yellow striped awning.

  2. I really love your evening shot! It looks so cozy and inviting inside. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm going to look into the Loyal Order of Glamping….I'm from Wisconsin and own a vintage. I can't find too many of us here!! But Michigan (especially SW) is sort of close!! Maybe we'll bump into one another some day!!!

  4. Thank you ladies! We had a great time and I already can't wait until Spring.

    Amy, if you are on Facebook look up the group page here:

    We are a crazy-crafty-glampy group of gals (and some guys).

  5. Just did that and it was so much fun…love your pretty little trailers…that yellow is so pretty!

  6. That last picture just looks so warm and cozy. What an adorable trailer!

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