Vintage Trailer Hair Studio

You all probably remember the post I made about how folks use their vintage trailer for their business right? Here is another one I wanted to share with you. Photos courtesy of Inhabitat. Read more about Robin Carlisle at ReNest.

I think it’s so neat how she transformed this sweet trailer, set it up on her property and runs Holiday Hair Studio from it. I think it’s adorable and would love to get my hair done there (:

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  1. That is so inventive and a really inexpensive way to put some type of business on one's own property.

  2. Oh how fun…I would certainly want to get a wash and updo there… : )

  3. One could take this idea mobile too. Visit seniors on a regular schedule at their homes or complex. Or I could see a mobile dog grooming mobile also.

  4. How creative! I guess the sky really is the limit!

  5. Very cute!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Your spot is precious! I am trying to help my hair dresser add some storage solutions to her suite. Love the vintage look of yours & that is totally her style, too. How do you store your hairdryer, flat iron, curling irons, etc.? She was wanting something she could have holes in to stick all of the electronic devices into but wants to use an old piece of furniture…so, just trying to get ideas!

  7. I absolute love this idea! I have a Salon out of my home now. But working & having my family continuously running in and out IS rude, disrespectful, & distracting! I NEED a place like yours!!!! Can you help me out??
    I have been in this industry for 21 years, & plan on 21 more!! 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!

    • valerie Wyglendowski says

      i LOVE your ideas i have ownes salons for almost 30 yrs, now the kids are gone, and i want to travel. i have been thinking about a mobile salon for about 10 yrs, now im finally going to do it. im using a Shasta, and making it look old west Bordello style.i will post pics as i renovate. thanks again!

  8. I absolutely adore your place! I have worked out of my home now for 12 years. My family runs in and out of the door where the MAIN Salon entrance is. They are older now, so they leave all there things out side by the entrance, & are always cars parked where my clients need to park. I need a camper so I have my own space out of the home, yet still on my property! Do you have any suggestions, or know any one who put one together for me? !
    I have been in this industry for 21 years, & plan on it for another 21 years!
    Thanks for sharing your awesome Salon!

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