1964 Shasta Compact followed me home

Isn’t she cute?! I went and picked her up yesterday. What was suppose to be a 6 hour journey round trip turned into a 10 hour journey due to a major highway being flooded. I think we sat in bumber to bumber traffic for 2 1/2 hours. Although it wasn’t without a few smiles. There was about 4 people that inched up beside us and whipped out their camera phones taking pictures of the trailer LOL!

It’s an interesting way how this trailer and I met. The seller saw my blog and contacted me saying they were wanting to sell her and it all went from there.

Anyway, so we made it home finally last night and I didn’t even bother un-hooking the trailer. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed. Then this morning I got up early and took her down to the restoration shop for them to prep her so she can go to the paint shop in a couple weeks.

She’s a very cute trailer and once I’m finish doing some minor fixes/updates I think she’ll be adorable.

Original Coral paint. I’m debating on what color? Any suggestions? If I had my way I’d love to paint one PINK! How fun would that be?? Not sure how many guys would appreciate towing a Mary Kay pink trailer though LOL! So might have to think on that one.  Tires are like new. She’s even got a pull out step. Another thing I wish my Buttercup had. Oh and she has a KEY for the door and baggage door lock.

The dinette seat cushions are new. I love the piping around the edges. I wish Buttercup’s had that. That carpet will be gone and new linoleum installed. Hmmm, another decision to be made on what color? Black and white checkered or ??

This kitchen will look so different the next time you all see it. See that area above the stove where you see the insulation? That will all be new. By the way I pulled that insulation back and the framing looks really good so no worries there. I’m thinking of adding a nice back splash as well. The countertop will also be replaced and those upper cupboard doors (yuck on the paneling). All the cupboard and drawer fronts will be sanded and re-stained. You can also see some previous water staining around the roof vent. That wood will be replaced and the while the roof vent has been resealed already, I’m going to do it again as it’s not been done with the sealant I prefer. Though it does not leak currently. Not sure yet what to do with the microwave. The most likely solution would be to remove it and put in a dorm size fridge like what I have in Buttercup.

Hey if your chilly, just turn on the wall heater. I actually haven’t tested it yet, but was told it works and that it will sweat you out of there. It’s an electric heater. It looks original and the brand is “Royal” brand.

So that is the little mini-tour of the 64 Shasta Compact. I think (I hope) you’ll be pleasantly surprised with her “After” pictures.  Right now her status is that the plan is to put her up for sale once the work is done and she’s ready for a new home and new adventures. I’ll post some photos of the progress as it goes along.


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  1. Carolyn in Salt Lake City says

    Kelle, she’s a beauty. I think you have your Camper Karma going full on. I’m curious as to why you are replacing the countertop. It doesn’t appear to be warped from the photos. Simply a color issue? As for color, I vote for the original salmon color. I had a 57 Ford with the Thunderbird engine, I loved that car. (I was young back then, and she was a real guy magnet) anyway, she was salmon and white, and beautilful. I think if the color were refreshed, maybe a little brighter,(you know, like the ’57 ;o) she would look astonishingly classy. And it would go with her lovely seat cushions.

    Have fun, whatever colors you decide upon.

    Blessings, Carolyn

  2. I agree. I vote salmon/coral. It’s a boost when an older gal can rock her original color. 😉

    • Thank you all for the paint color suggestions! I really appreciate it. It ends up that she is now sold, so the plan is that the new owner will decide what color she wants the exterior. How fun is that!? I’m very excited for her and I was so tickled to see how excited she is about her new baby Shasta. I’ll be sure and post some pictures of her when she’s finished so you all can see how she turned out.

  3. I agree with the coral, or with pink – they are both so nice! And when you are all done with her, I’d like to buy her from you! It all depends on when she’ll be finished, I certainly don’t need her this summer. And I’ll be able to offer more this fall. I have been wanting one of these for so long! I’ve never had a travel trailer, but my parents used to have one and we had so much fun in it.

    • Hi Denise,

      Thank you for the interest in the Shasta Compact. At this time she’s spoken for. But keep an eye out, I’m sure you’ll find just the right one and if I come across another I’ll be sure and post it on here.

  4. i want one of these. this one is so cute. please contact me the next time you find one.


  5. Jennifer says

    Boy, me too! I have been drooling for over a year on these Shasta compacts with wings… every time I think I see one, they are snatched up so fast!!! Where is your secret to finding them?

    Thanks for the great blog!

  6. We have just bought a Shasta. Our roof vent had previous water damage also, but does not leak now. What sealant do you prefer? I love your blog. Thanks

    • Vivian, I prefer to use Dicor self leveling sealant. I like it because it does just what it says in that when applied it self levels and therefore I think you get a better seal.

  7. Gigi Ortwein says

    Just recently bitten by the bug. Anxious to follow the restoration.

  8. On the ride home from picking up our camper to restore, I noticed someone following me. I realized I hadn’t taken the “for sale” sign out of the window. I had to disappoint the guy by telling him it was NOT for sale, although I think I could have made a quick profit.

    • That is funny Craig. I recently had one brought from Arizona on a flat bed and the haulers had someone inquire if it was for sale.

  9. I cant wait to see when this trailor is finished! Im new to the trailor world. We are looking to buy a small shasta in the next year. I also vote to keep it as original as possible. Why not? Nothing can beat what was original. Although the kitchen could use some brightening up. Cant wait to see the pics!

  10. i’m now doing a 1961 12.5 airflyte..i need to know how couch goes into bed. all my cushions are gone

  11. Karen Dickson says

    I love this little Shasta camper! I also love your site. I am in the market for one of these little gems this coming summer so please let me know if you sned emails out as soon as you have some ready to go or what your process is! I have to say you have me hooked on these! We have a 43 foot camper we keep stationed up in Door County WI but I woudl like a smaller cute little trailer to take on short weekends somewhere. These vintage beauties are just the ticket!

  12. Is this for sale? Price? Location? Thanks!!

    • Sheryl, Sorry it’s already sold. Any that you see on here that are for sale will have the price and contact info of the seller. If they don’t have that info it means they aren’t available for sale.

  13. I want one of these litte cuties SO SO BAD! I am retiring and it is the perfect time for me to get involved in a big project. Please let me know …..anyone….if you know of one for sale! I live in Southern Indiana but am willing to travel several hours for the right one!!! Good luck glamping Kelle!

  14. It is now 2017. Ive5 been interested in vintage campers for many years. They don’t make them now like they use too, which means older ones are better made. I’m now 60 years young, lol, and just bought my first vintage camper. She’s a 1966 Elcona 16 1/2 ft. Inside is absolutely perfect, but all the skin outside needs to be replaced, up date wiring, & I’m sure some damaged frame from some minor leaks. I only paid $400.00 for her. The problem is I can’t find any info on her, it says travler corp on bottom of her Elcona name, No I no. The only thing that popped up was home corp related to her, so confused! I’m restoring her exterior next spring, as though she’s already road worthy. I do have the jalious windows & one of them had a broken glass so my son took it out, put plastic over it, went camping & lost the other glass & frame. These are very hard to find as I’m still looking. These r my new passion since years of research. deborahsewell131@gmail.com

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