Hi-Lo Renovation Day 3 & 4

So I'm back to working on the Hi-Lo this weekend. I had to take a pause and call in a restoration guy to come out and give me some advice before proceeding. So this is where we are at to date. The first thing I had to do is raise the roof {meaning the entire top half of the trailer} in order to be able to replace the seal. Let me just say that raising the top half … [Read more...]

Hi-Lo Renovation Day 2

Day 2 So today was a long day. It involved just a lot of tedious tasks such as pulling out staples and such. Once that was done the next task was to lift off the roof skin. Looking up inside the carport gave me an idea. I decided to lift the roof and let it hang just above the trailer instead of trying to move it and store it elsewhere. Mainly the reason … [Read more...]

Hi-Lo Renovation Day 1

So work begins this week on the 61 Hi-Lo. {You can click on any photo below to make it larger} Setting up a work space The first order of business is to move the trailer into the carport so I have somewhere to work that is dry in case it rains. Removing Seams Next I had to remove all the seams. This means unscrewing a ridiculous about of screws and some … [Read more...]

Trailer Valet – Hitch and move your trailer with ease

I wanted to introduce you all to the Trailer Valet. I have one and wanted to give you all a review on it. If you struggle to get your trailer hooked up to the ball hitch on your tow vehicle or need to park your trailer in a tight spot, the Trailer Valet may be something to look into. It's a unique trailer tongue jack that allows you to maneuver your trailer … [Read more...]

Tips for Winterizing Your Vintage Trailer

Since it's almost December, some of you may have already tucked your trailers away for the coming winter. For those of you that haven't yet or are not sure what all to do to winterize them, this is for you. 1. Prepare It Take out all linens, throw pillows, memory foam, curtains, towels and clothing items. You don't want any fabric items inside that could be … [Read more...]

Keeping Your Camper Documents Organized

I don't know if you are like me but I am the kind of person that needs to be organized or I'd be in completely chaos. For me there is nothing more frustrating than needing to find something only to discover I can't recall where I put it. So of course I needed to find a way to keep all of my vintage trailer documents and records organized all in one place. Liz … [Read more...]

Slip covers for vintage trailer dinette seats

I've been working on creating slip covers for the 55 Bellwood. Before it got so hot here I was outside polishing the exterior but let me tell you, this heat is sweltering. Not that I'm complaining as I much prefer summer rather than the brutal cold winters. However, in this kind of heat it's nice to have a "indoor" project to accomplish. I've got one slip cover … [Read more...]

How to improve the look of water stained birch

OK, so with most vintage trailers water staining under the front and rear windows is pretty typical. You will also commonly find it around the roof vent. Our 55 Bellwood is no exception to this. Now while the staining under the windows wasn't all that bad (I've seen much worse trust me), the proper way to fix the issue is by tearing out the offending panel of birch, … [Read more...]

Renovation on the 64 Shasta Compact

Today was a busy day! We tore out the ceiling birch around the vent and on the front wall above the counter. We then put new birch in. The framing looked good around the vent so we didn't need to replace it. That was a nice surprise. We still have the trim to do but we ran out of birch so off to get more soon. Next we'll put up a back splash, install a subfloor, stain … [Read more...]

64 Shasta Compact Gets New Paint

This little cutie is at the paint shop getting a new paint job. They finished the bottom half and today will paint the top half. Oh my, is she going to be so cute when she's all finished. Her original paint color was sort of a salmon color. This color is a bit brighter, which is what the buyer wanted and I think it will be adorable! I am having pink envy at the … [Read more...]