“Among the Birch” Vintage Trailer Watercolor Painting

I wanted to share with you my latest painting. This is a watercolor painting I just finished up. It's been a little while since I've had the chance to sit down and paint something. I think the weather lately has prompted my desire for lots of color of spring and I love the birch trees that we have up north! I hope you like it! Prints are available for sale in my … [Read more...]

1963 Yellowstone Renovation & Restoration Part 2

If you missed part 1 of this blog series you can see it HERE. All the work you see done here was done at Vintage Trailer Restoration in Burton, MI Oh and just a little tip before I go on; if you take your trailer to a shop for repairs, remove all of your cushions and décor items from inside the trailer first. Leave those items stored at home. The reason is it will … [Read more...]

Q & A – Renting Trailers & Storage

Do you have questions you would like to submit? If so, visit the submission page at http://littlevintagetrailer.com/submissions/ to submit them and I'll do my best to answer in future Q & A post. ----------------------------  Question about Renting Trailers for Events: I'm looking for a vintage trailer to rent for a photo session, can you tell me where I … [Read more...]

Before and After Vintage Trailer Dinette Cushions

You can never have enough posts about trailer cushions right?? Here are some cushions I did awhile back but forgot to publish this post {oops}. So I'm publishing it now so you all can see how they turned out. These cushions are from a 65 Frolic. They are actually in very good shape. Almost like new in fact, with a nice quality fabric and zippers. Someone had them … [Read more...]

Little Vintage Trailer in the New York Times

I wanted to share with you all the news that Little Vintage Trailer made it onto the front page of the Home & Garden section of the New York Times on Nov 6th. Here is a link where you can read the online version: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/06/garden/a-passion-for-vintage-trailers.html?_r=0 It's been quite a whirlwind of activity behind the scenes since then … [Read more...]

Finished renovation of the 1961 Hi-Lo

TA DA! Oh happy day, it's done! Whew...let me just say that it was a LOT of work, a lot of sweat, a little blood and a few tears {of frustration} along the way but it's finally done! I call it done but I do have a couple things left and one is to figure out the best way to re-vamp that front window rock guard you see in the first photo. For now it's done though and … [Read more...]

Hi-Lo Renovation Day 10, 11 and 12

I'm happy to say that I'm making steady progress on the 61 Hi-Lo. Thank goodness this is a little trailer or I may not be seeing the end in sight until next summer! I think I'm about a good solid 4-5 days work and I'll be finished. This is what I accomplished in the last 3 days. 1. Installed remaining trim Pretty self-explanatory. I just had a couple trim … [Read more...]

Hi-Lo Renovation Day 7, 8 and 9

Whew, it's been awhile since I posted on how the renovation is going on the 1961 Hi-Lo, so I figured I better get a post up here to show you where I'm at. I decided to clump together day 7, 8 and 9 because basically day 7-8 were just boring mundane stuff. Keep in mind that these days aren't concurrent. It was one day here...another day there. A lot of times it just … [Read more...]

Hi-Lo Renovation Day 5

I spent about 9 hours working on the Hi-Lo yesterday. I was fortunate to have a couple helpers to help with the heavy lifting as it takes more than one person to lift and maneuver those 2 x 4's that are holding it up. I got quite a bit done and was able to finish repairing the wood on the lower 4 inches on the walls which wasn't too difficult. The hard part was … [Read more...]

Hi-Lo Renovation Day 1

So work begins this week on the 61 Hi-Lo. {You can click on any photo below to make it larger} Setting up a work space The first order of business is to move the trailer into the carport so I have somewhere to work that is dry in case it rains. Removing Seams Next I had to remove all the seams. This means unscrewing a ridiculous about of screws and some … [Read more...]