Adding Diamond Plate To Your Trailer

I've been asked before if I think there is a benefit to adding diamond plating to the front of our Shasta Compact. The answer I would give would be a definite yes! Diamond plate offers protection to that lower front area on your trailer. That area is so prone to rocks and various debris flying up and hitting it. Thus, producing dings and dents on the skin. The … [Read more...]

How to prevent bug build up on your vintage trailer

I hope you aren't enjoying breakfast while reading this as the picture will probably induce some gagging for those with bug-o-phobia. This is what can happen when you travel a good distance on highways with your vintage trailer....BUGS! Ewww! Click to enlarge the photo if you really want to be grossed out. I don't recommend it though (= A friend of mine suggested … [Read more...]

New Fantastic Fan Vent Installed

Who would of thought a girl could get so excited about a vent fan? Well, that girl would be me. It's the next best thing to having a A/C unit. Or so I'm told anyway. We haven't had a chance to test it out in sweltering weather yet. When we do I'll let you all know how it works. It's neat because it can either be set to suck air out of the trailer or blow air in. I … [Read more...]