What followed me home; 63 Shasta Compact!

Guess what founds it's way hitched to my bumper last night? A 1963 Shasta Compact with original birch interior. Overall it's in very good shape and I can tell the previous owners took care of it. The tires are like new. It does have a bit of A-typical water damage around the roof vent but the leak it had was repaired and it doesn't leak now. It also has some previous … [Read more...]

Before & After Vintage Stove porcelain

For quite some time I've stared at this brown stove in my Shasta Compact and it stuck out like a sore thumb. Not that brown is a completely awful color but it's really not a fun color and it certainly doesn't do much to brighten up my little kitchen. So with that said, I sent my stove top and door off to be re-porcelained. Applying new porcelain requires stripping … [Read more...]

Mini Shasta Compact

How cute is this!? I received this in the mail today from a gal that makes them. I'll try and find out if she has a website and if so I'll post it for you all. She normally makes these look like the T@B trailers but agreed to create a Shasta Compact for me.  It has secret compartments for hiding wee treasures in too. P.S. I want to wish all of you a very … [Read more...]

How to prevent bug build up on your vintage trailer

I hope you aren't enjoying breakfast while reading this as the picture will probably induce some gagging for those with bug-o-phobia. This is what can happen when you travel a good distance on highways with your vintage trailer....BUGS! Ewww! Click to enlarge the photo if you really want to be grossed out. I don't recommend it though (= A friend of mine suggested … [Read more...]